What is Medical Card?
Some people yang saya jumpa ada yang bertanya apa itu medical card..
well basically its an element of a medical insurance.. Sebelum wujudnya medical card, syarikat insurance mungkin ada hospitalization benefit.. Yang ni biasanya.. you can claim after you get admitted.. you have to pay the total bill to the hospital first, keep the receipt, get a medical report from the doctor then file a claim.. The process could take a while.. maybe dah abih bergolok bergadai bayar bil.. pastu tunggu la report.. then baru dapat duit..
with a medical card, you just have to pay the deposit (usually very minimal) to the hospital and get admitted. medical report will be submitted by the hospital directly to the insurance company. the hospital will claim the payment from the insurance company.. depends on the plan of the medical card, some pays all the bill but some require the policyholder to pay the co-insurance amount.. after that balik la rumah rehat2..
If you already have a medical card.. its good that you know what it covers and make sure you have the panel hospital listing.. make sure you know how much is the coinsurance amount and whether you'll be penalize if you stay in a room that cost higher than the allowable amount..
I will always encourage people to take up a plan that includes a medical card.. you'll never know when you're going to need it.. especially if you're so used in getting treatment at a private hospital.. how would you imagine yourself to be old and have to queue to get admitted to HKL... I'm not saying that HKL is not good.. It is so good.. well equipped.. excellent doctors.. but HKL is for those who cant really afford to take up an insurance.. HKL tu dah terlalu ramai.. takyah la kita meramaikannya..
we can make our own choice.. you can make your own and better choice...