8 random facts
i've been tagged by
The Rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.
List eight (8) random facts about myself:
1) Its my first post in 2008. I'm so busy with everything else but blogging.
2) I'm a new mom. i think everyone knows that already. hihi
3) I'm an engineer by qualification. Worked for Proton suatu ketika dulu. Now working as an insurance agent with Prudential. Somehow I think people always think I'm a drop out sebab tu jadik insurance agent. hoho. tidak sama sekali. I chose to be in this industry. Run my on business. And ada jugak orang kata ruginye amik engineering, siap buat masters tapi tak praktikkan. for me i think it was a great experience to learn engineering (great experience to travel around europe), saya tak rugi apa apa. :D
4) I love sudoku, kakuro, code crackers and apa saja puzzle yang mencabar minda except for crossword puzzle. vocab saya tidak begitu meluas. huhu
5) I'm not good with stranger. tapi once I get to know a stranger bleh je sembang pot pet pot pet sampai esok pagi.
6) I'm quite good at sports. I can run quite fast. I'm quite good in catching and throwing ball. I can jump quite high. I'm quite good with rackets. I can swim quite well. could you count how many 'quite' in the above sentences?
7) I hate programming. Teringat zaman belajar Cprog masa first year first sem di MCC, i kept on saying "Aku nak bunuh diri! Aku nak bunuh diri!"
8) My first boyfriend was this dude in my class. I was 11 yrs old. I wrote a love letter to him. I went to his house with my maid and I paksa my maid kasikkan surat tu beserta watercolor panda as a birthday present. Next thing I know he's my boyfriend. Haha. Senang kan ngorat zaman dedulu?
saya nak tag 1)
Azidot bucuk 2)
Sayangku 3)
Ardy 4)
Naf 5)
Sarah queserasera 6)
Itique 7)
Runiz 8) hmm.. tader dah..