today.. i went for a check up.. finally.. the doctor did ask.. who's been checking on me sebelum ni.. i said tader sapa.. die kata "tader sapa? awak buat senyap je?" huhu.. amik sebijik.. ape ape pun.. alhamdulillah everything seems okay.. cuma nak tunggu blood test.. tatau la kalo ada yang tak kena.. but so far okay je la kot..
the best part was masa tummy ku discan.. huhu.. its a fully formed baby! wohooo.. me and my sayang.. ternganga tengok.. we were amazed.. i've been reading newsletter from yang dok citer pasal development of a baby.. memang i'm aware of that.. but when i actually saw it on the screen just now.. terasa cam waaaa... that thing is now inside me.. wuhuuuu... I AM PREGNANT! now macam baru sedar.. boleh tak?? baru berpijak di bumi yang nyata.. sebelum ni macam dah terlupa.. huhu.. it really makes me feel great..
we did took the image of the scan.. i think
my sayang will post it on his blog.. oh lagi satu.. the baby is only 6.83 cm long... but i could actually see the fingers.. must be really tiny.. Subhanallah!