When I'm bored
there's this one time.. I was bored.. I was supposed to do work on my project.. but I was so lazy.. I googled my name.. just 'naiza'.. and i found few interesting sites......
This is kinda sweet.. though i'm not quite sure what it really means.. 
Huyyooo... see.. there's a website that got my name.. hmm.. I think they are selling electronic products? ye ke?

Huwaaaa... please read the description besides the image... huhu.. not bad eh? (benda alah kecik tu nama naiza)
Saya hampir tersedak membaca apa yang ditulih ni.. sebab saya tak sangka his or her 'naiza' is dead..
There's even a place called Naiza.. terasa cam nak pegi plak situ.. huhuuh...I dont know whats the purpose of this.. cause obviously this was just a joke... haha.. tergelak gak la baca ni..
Hebat tuuuu.. Pakistani Pop... yeyeyeyyyee
Look.. Private House lagik.. kat mana ntah ni.. tak sure.. hehe
a great pakistani artist.. wuhuuuuu
okeh.. rasanya itu je yang interesting.. but i also found blogs yang ada state nama 'naiza'.. and most of them are from Phillipines... I guess its a common name for them.. come to think of it.. my mum went to manila when she was carrying me.. that could be one of the reason why she named me Naiza.. huhuh..
ape lagi... search la nama korang lak.. hehehehe