nak makan apam balik
today while i was walking to school.. i was thinking.. i'm going to miss London.. never have that thought before since i was not really thinking of going back.. but now a decision has been made.. i'll be going home.. back to mesia.. this november.. insyaAllah.. if everything goes as planned.. as i was walking back from school.. i realized.. theres so many things that i havent done.. the things that i should do before i go back.. one of it is to lepak at the park.. with friends.. just lepak.. doing nothing.. makan la kot paling kurang pun.. most importantly.. relax.. and tak yah pikir pasal keje..
tetiba terasa sangat sedih..
sedih sebab terasa macam i'm going to be very busy this september..
sedih sebab i dont have enough money to go to places..
sedih sebab most of my frens are going back to mesia earlier than me..
sedih sebab i'm moving out from hostel end of september...
sedih sebab i'm leaving London..
but i'm looking forward to stay with my sister during Ramadhan...
hmm but actually.. i cant wait to go back to mesia too.. saya sudah menyampah nak makan masakan sendiri.. now i tend to skip my meal because i'm so lazy to cook.. more because i got fed up eating my own cooking.. i love to eat out.. like i always do kalo kat kl...
malas je.. McD pun buleh..
malas je.. call Domino's..
malas je.. drive kete ngan suar tido gi drive thru burger king kat MRR2..
kat sini.. nak makan ais krim pikir 5 6 kali.. nak beli McD terasa sangat mahal.. nak makan kat m'sian hall pun.. 2 bulan skali kot.. at one time.. saya terasa cam nak nangis sebab saya teringin Coke.. tapi itu pun pikir beria2.. sampai last2 tak beli pun sebab terasa membazir.. hmm.. tertekannye saya!
well whetever it is.. saya dah tak mau dah hidup camtu.. saya nak balik... nak makan apam balik!!!