hmm.. best rasanya bila kekadang tengok at the
statistic.. buleh tengok sapa yang nengok my blog.. i mean i cant actually tell siapa but at least i know where they're from.. i could know how many did come and visit my blog everyday...
macam best je nak study the pattern of the graph.. i mean like at what time people usually read blogs and on which day.. so far saya perasan bila saya sort of 'advertised' it on my YM status graf tu naik.. hehehe.. menjadik la saya punye promo.. ngee hee hee.. bukannye ape.. at least when i do that.. people tau yang i have new updates.. kalo tak bosan je masuk.. tapi tadak apa..
anyways.. thats not my whole point of the story.. i actually wanted to say yang.. kelakar jugak bila nengok benda ni sebab from nedstatbasic ni jugak.. i could know how they actually got to my page.. well.. you could see one of the example here... somebody got to my blog by search engines.. and with those key words.. huhuhu.. sure keciwa sapa yang masuk my blog and tengok tak de cerita sex seperti yang diharapkan.. huhuhu... kelakar...