6.83 cm
Say hi to our little junior..
today.. i went for a check up.. finally.. the doctor did ask.. who's been checking on me sebelum ni.. i said tader sapa.. die kata "tader sapa? awak buat senyap je?" huhu.. amik sebijik.. ape ape pun.. alhamdulillah everything seems okay.. cuma nak tunggu blood test.. tatau la kalo ada yang tak kena.. but so far okay je la kot..
the best part was masa tummy ku discan.. huhu.. its a fully formed baby! wohooo.. me and my sayang.. ternganga tengok.. we were amazed.. i've been reading newsletter from babycenter.com yang dok citer pasal development of a baby.. memang i'm aware of that.. but when i actually saw it on the screen just now.. terasa cam waaaa... that thing is now inside me.. wuhuuuu... I AM PREGNANT! now macam baru sedar.. boleh tak?? baru berpijak di bumi yang nyata.. sebelum ni macam dah terlupa.. huhu.. it really makes me feel great..
we did took the image of the scan.. i think
my sayang will post it on his blog.. oh lagi satu.. the baby is only 6.83 cm long... but i could actually see the fingers.. must be really tiny.. Subhanallah!
i'm almost 13 wks pregnant.. tapi i've never actually went for a check up.. terkejut tak? huhu.. dunno why.. i just did a self test.. urine test.. then i went to a normal GP just asking on what to do.. what to expect.. he gave me folic acid with iron.. saying that my blood pressure was quite low.. and thats it.. asik nak pegi jumpa gynae and do my first scan.. tapi ade je halnye.. hopefully this weekend i'll have the time to go..
bila pikir2 my first trimester is almost over.. cepatnye masa berlalu.. i dont have so much things to share.. i didnt experience any morning sickness.. cuma at times rasa cam tak sedap.. tapi tak muntah or terasa pening ke ape.. just that.. i always felt tired.. kekadang letih tu macam tak leh nak buat keje ape langsung.. hanya mampu terbaring gitu je.. tapi kekadang tu i guess maybe sebab i'm hungry.. the thing yang i realize.. selalu je rasa lapar tapi when i actually eat.. tak sempat nak banyak.. dah kenyang.. dah rasa bloated giler.. so now kena makan kerap tapi sikit2.. masalahnye.. selalu la malas nak carik food.. akhirnye.. biskut je la yang kubedal tatkala lapar in between meals..
satu lagi.. now ni kalo panjat tangga saya akan mencungap2.. sungguh tak fit.. kalo dah naik pastu tertinggal benda nak turun balik adeh laaaa..
hmm.. some of my pants dah tak muat untuk dipakai.. huhu.. i just knew about pants extension.. haaa.. ada this strap thingy yang can actually extend the waist.. so with that.. still bleh pakai pants lama lagi.. sebab kalo nak pakai maternity pants macam besar sangat.. thanks liza for that info..
i really appreciate those tips.. kalo ada ibu2 yang ada tips2 menarik silalah utarakan kepada saya.. thanks!