nama saya naiza
Monday, December 19, 2005
  nak letak title ape ek?
masa dok ikat telur kat bunga telur.. i saw so many different kinds of bunga telur.. bunga macam2 jenis.. and ada jugak bunga telur yang dah siap di ikat ngan sweets.. ada yang ikat sabun.. then i knew.. those are from other people.. i thought its a sweet and kind gestures.. i said this to my mum.. then she said.. when people gave that.. we have to give them back bila turn diorang lak kenduri.. jadik kirenye kalo orang tu kasi 50 bunga telur.. esok2 kena la ganti 5o gak kat orang tu.. huhu.. not just bunga telur.. benda2 lain pun.. gula.. kopi.. rokok.. sirih.. macam2.. ada jugak yang kasik duit.. it reminds me of 'kutu'.. camtu la ek.. kumpul2.. bulan ni dapat kat orang ni.. bulan depan orang lain pulak.. i guess nak kuarkan duit sesikit lagi senang dari nak kuarkan bebanyak terus.. terpikir jugak.. patut la kekadang orang kat kampung ni cam senang je nak kawin.. kire nak wat kawin tu cakap je.. ada lah cara nak wat kendurinye..

kalo bab kenduri ni nampak gak la reasonable.. tapi kalo main kutu ni cam.. hmm.. pelik.. why cant you just save that amount of money every month.. masuk lam ASB ke.. ada gak la untung kot.. ke sebab main kutu.. nak tanak kena gak kasik duit.. and duit tu takkan leh dapat balik selagi tak sampai turn.. hmm.. saving secara terpaksa..

bab nak save ni nak kena ada discipline je kot kan.. i know a good way to save.. ask me ask me!! hehe
  wedding, wedding and rain
2 weekends.. i was busy with my cousin's wedding.. i think he's 2 years older than me.. masa muda2 dulu.. we were close.. die penah jadik kuda and i was the cowboy girl.. haha.. sib baik saya ringan je.. kalo tak patah pinggang pakcik tu.. now.. dah kawin pun die..

nikah was on the 11th.. kat sabak bernam.. the girl side.. it was really simple.. terkejut gak.. maybe dah style nye gitu kot.. lafaznye sekali je.. and buleh nampak la my cousin tu lega gile.. he's the fifth child out of six.. and he's the first one to marry someone not from Kedah.. not even Penang.. akak2 and abang die dulu sumer arranged marriage.. so sumernye jadi yang dekat2 situ je lah.. kali ni.. orang jawo gitu.. huhu..

i have a very small family.. i have only 9 cousins on my dad's side.. so this one was the fifth wedding.. the previous one before this was a long time ago.. 8 or 9 years ago.. so i couldnt really remember how its like.. of course masak2 sumer gotong royong.. diorang panggil kenduri pakat.. so orang2 akan pakat datang 'berderau'.. kire datang tolong2 la.. potong2 bawang.. kupas2 kentang.. cuci and potong ayam.. macam2 lah kirenye.. and for those yang datang tolong pastu sure akan dijamu.. i've been told yang kenduri kat umah tu kire cam dah start days before the real kenduri lagi.. sangat meriah..

i wasnt with the makcik2 yang memotong2 tu.. i helped with the bunga telur.. and also buang kulit2 itam kat taugeh tu.. banyak tau taugeh nye.. berpuluh kilo.. untuk kerabu taugeh and perut lembu.. yummy.. and secara tidak rasminye i was the photographer.. i've made a few makcik2 melatah sebab terkejut ngan my camera flash.. diorang ingatkan kilat.. huhu.. sian diorang..

i just got back from Kedah.. his side was yesterday... me and my parents were there since last Thursday.. it was raining.. dari hari yang kitorang sampai.. ke hari kenduri.. kata orang hujan rahmat.. hari ni barula nampak matahari.. finally ujan benti.. kitorang pun siap2 nak balik.. kuar je sampai Jitra.. banjir! pastu pusing.. ingat nak naik highway terus from Wang Tepus (ye ke? hmm tak ingat).. anyways.. pun tak leh masuk highway.. tutup sebab air naik.. sib baik my dad tau jalan2 kampung.. terus kuar kat kepala batas.. naik highway.. selamat..

my dad called them just now.. dengar cite one of my cousin yang dah kawin tu.. air dah penuh keliling umah.. cuma blum masuk umah je.. barang2 dah bawak naik atas umah.. lektrik dah dipotong.. orang dah bawak kete gi tpt yang tinggi skit.. simpan situ.. hmm.. its getting worse.. tatau la esok cemana.. hopefully everything will be fine..
Sunday, December 11, 2005
  Mungkin Nanti
hmm.. terasa nak gi Peter Pan nye concert... cam menarik je nengok konsert indon ni.. sapa nak gi??!!! jom la jom la!!
Friday, December 09, 2005
hmm.. got this forward email from an unknown person..

cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

kewl eh? i do thought spelling was important..
  sok sek sok sek
got the boxes.. korek2.. memang tader anything for my dad.. huhu.. did buy few things tapi dah kasi earlier... but this time tader pulak.. huhuhu..

i got running nose.. dok sok sek sok sek.. sungguh tidak selesa..
Thursday, December 08, 2005
  setelah sekian lama

wuhuu.. lama sungguh tak update.. antara reasonnye..

  1. sangat busy melayan anak sedara ku yang semakin demanding..
  2. tader ape sangat yang nak dicerita..
  3. internet ni kekadang sucks.. tetambah kalo die connected to GPRS instead of 3G..
  4. sangat busy mengemas rumah yang masih tak tentu arah ni..
  5. gi opis Prudential.. dah nak mula mengactivekan semula diri dalam businessku yang sudah lama ku tinggalkan..
  6. hmm sebenarnye banyak cerita.. tapi.. mostly tak patut dijadikan ketahuan umum.. huhu..

esok 2 kotak yang saya ship from UK akan tiba.. bak kata En Aziz tu le.. hmm tak sabarnye nak nengok bebarang.. sampai dah lupa apa ada dalam tu.. my dad siap tanya.. dalam tu ada barang untuk dia tak? *GULP* tak ingaaaaat.. mampus la kalo tader.. huhuhuhu..


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Location: Kota Damansara, Malaysia
Me Read
Sayang @ Sex, Blood and The Lies I tell Myself
Azidot Bucuk @ B.L.O.G
Cpah @ ++ a silence i cant ignore ++
Runiz @ Its Runiz life
Im @ just hold on~~To feel is to know deeply
Sarah @ the disturbed mind of queserasera
Naf @ What are days for?
Syimi @ White Coffee and Books
Amir @ To think about it...
Itique @ Me thinking aloud!
Eyzza @ Dramatic... I'm a Dreamer
Kam @ Kita Adalah Insan Menumpang Atas Dunia...

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